
22. Design and Implementation of an Impact Evaluation System for Programs Financed by the National Fund for Regional Development (FNDR) and the Innovation for Competitiveness Fund (FIC)

• Contracting Organization: Regional Government of Coquimbo

• Start Date: May 2012

• End Date:March 2014

Design and implement a system for evaluating the impact of investment initiatives of the National Fund for Regional Development: Promoting Production and Innovation Fund for Competitiveness in the Region of Coquimbo (FNDR).

Methodology and activities performed
Our proposal for monitoring and evaluating the project aimed at the generation of research products and to strength innovation networks. In order to do so, we designed a methodological proposal (structured on 2 grand areas of study: portfolio, focusing on the intrinsic characteristics of each programme analyzed; and impact: focusing on the socio-economic impact of the programs in the targeted population) with measurement tools, such as surveys and indicator matrices; interviews and focus groups; protocols of visits among others. We elaborated qualitative and quantitative variables and indicators to measure the level of innovation and identify types of programs and initiatives that achieved the highest impacts.

In addition, we design a statistical system/platform to facilitate the capture and recording of documentation. Also, the following recommendations were made: secure the implementation of the information, monitoring and evaluation (I, M&E) system by connecting it to relevant procedures of the Regional Government of Coquimbo, give priority guidelines annually about sustainability and institutionalization of the programs, and reorganize the FNDR program cycles to make them totally consistent with the I, M&E system.