
9. Evaluation of the Financing Fund Program for FONDAP Excellence Research Center

• Contracting Organization: Undersecretary of Economy, Development and Reconstruction and the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research, Government of Chile and CONICYT

• Start Date: July 2008

• End Date: March 2009

to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the FONDAP Program to generate relevant information and antecedents that allow analyzing its continuity and establishing improvements.

Methodology and activities performed
information on the results of the 7 centers was revealed at the institution level and at the individual level of each researcher (70).A costeffectiveness analysis was carried out. Empirical evidence from statistical sources, reports and accounting records was combined with observations from surveys, documentary evidence and interviews with researchers from the Centers and qualified informants from their environment. And International Benchmarking was carried out.


together with the panelof experts, lines of action were proposed aimed at defining a national strategy to support Scientific Centers of Excellence