• Contracting Organization: Traslational Biotechnology Center (TBC)
• Start Date: May 2022
• End Date: December 2022
Define a set of indicators to measure the results (in the future the impact) of the Center for Translational Biotechnology (CBT), in the short, medium and long term. These indicators must consider that the fundamental role of the CBT is the to articulate, facilitate and accelerate the effective link between national biotechnological capabilities and their demand from prioritized industries
Methodology and activities performed
A benchmark of national and international institutions similar to the CBT was carried out - in terms of their mission, objectives and capabilities - the indicators used by these entities as a reference were analyzed. A qualitative and quantitative methodology was designed for the definition of a robust set following the approach of the theory of change designed according to the activities, strategies and objectives of the CBT.
Then a first measurement was made with the proposed indicators (through surveys, interviews and case analysis) and a results report was developed that can be updated annually and disseminated in the national and international ecosystem.
An indicator sheet was made to measure the inputs, activities, outputs, short, medium and long-term results and impact in conjunction with the first measure of this indicators and a comparison of progress with the centres of the benchmark